As we transition from fall to winter in NY, you’ve probably started pulling out those hoodies and jackets, putting a heavier blanket on the bed and taking the air conditioning unit out of the window. Most New Yorkers know how to prep their homes and wardrobes for the upcoming frost of winter, but do truckers apply the same level of care to their truck paint in NY?
If you’re a trucker or fleet manager in NY, it may be time to start thinking about just that. While it may seem a bit preemptive (after all, Labor Day was just a couple of weeks ago), truck maintenance, especially for large fleets, can be time-consuming and require extensive planning. While the weather is still manageable, it may be time to start thinking about your plan for protecting truck paint in NY.
Winter weather and especially road salt can be hugely detrimental to any auto body paint job, especially those trucks that stay out on the road for days at a time without so much as a covered parking space to protect them when they’re not in use.
How To Protect Your Truck Paint in NY From Winter Damage
This article will examine why and how you should be protecting and caring for your truck paint in NY all winter long.

Why take steps to protect my truck’s paint job?
- Proper prevention will preserve the life of your paint job and save money in the long run.
Don’t just take it from us! According to, auto paint can last up to 10-15 years when given proper care and attention:
“Keeping the paint CLEAN and CONTAMINANT FREE will do wonders for the long-term health and longevity of your paint. Embedded contaminants and contamination on the paint surface will attack the finish if left on over a period of time.”
One such contaminant that can wreak havoc on, not just your paint job, but your truck as a whole is road salt. Although road salt serves to prevent accidents and increase traction on wintry roads, it can also corrode the paint and undercarriage of your truck if it’s not cleaned off regularly. Taking preventative measures before the first snowfall can also help to mitigate the damage done over time by corrosive road salt.
- Old or damaged paint jobs can actually get you pulled over by DOT.
Although a damaged paint job isn’t necessarily a DOT violation, driving around a truck that looks rundown can raise suspicion among DOT officers and prompt them to pull you over.
Put it this way: if you go into a restaurant and it looks like the floors haven’t been cleaned all day or the bathrooms are dirty, it may make you think twice about eating there. Although those things aren’t health code violations on their own, you might wonder about the condition of the kitchen itself if the customer areas look unkempt.
The same principle applies to the appearance of your truck. If your exterior looks uncared for or your paint job is damaged, it may prompt a DOT officer to wonder about the parts of your truck that they can’t see and give them reason to think that a more in-depth inspection is in order.
- Your truck is representative of the company as a whole.
The way your truck looks will reflect on your company- either positively or negatively. This should play a huge role for decision-makers, such as fleet managers in NY, when deciding on truck maintenance schedules and repair costs.
If your fleet looks rundown, potential customers may think twice about working with you. The restaurant example applies here as well; if this is how you treat the areas of your business that people can see, what corners are you cutting behind closed doors?
How can I protect my truck paint in NY winters?
- Take preventative measures.
The best way to prevent corrosion of your truck’s paint job is to give it a wash and wax before the first snowfall of the season. This can be performed on your own, but visiting a professional for this may extend the life of the wax and decrease the number of annual waxes needed. Wax will help to protect your paint because road salt will not be able to stick to it as easily.
Paint coatings and sealants are also great options to protect your truck paint in NY. Consider the type of paint and allotted prep time when deciding on either of these methods. Although a paint coating or sealant will provide the best protection to your paint job, it can also take more time than just using wax.
In the case of your truck paint in NY, an ounce of prevention is certainly worth a pound of cure. Taking preventative measures is the best way to avoid corrosion and save you money on future repairs.
- Wash your truck regularly.
After your truck has been exposed to the winter elements, you should wash off any dirt and road salt as soon as possible. Of course, for truckers with long routes, this can be rather difficult, but washing your truck about every ten days should do the trick.
Don’t give that road salt the opportunity to start corroding your paint! Wash it off regularly for best results.
- Repair any small paint chips ASAP.
Exposed metal on your truck’s surface is especially vulnerable to corrosion, so be sure to repair small chips as soon as you can. Small paint chips can be repaired on your own, but for best results, visit the professionals.
For instance, our Preferred Paint Service is perfect for basic paint jobs and touch-ups. This service includes a three year warranty and Fast Action color match guarantee!
New York truckers and fleet managers are no strangers to the havoc the winter months can wreak on truck paint, but with these simple steps, you can keep your fleet looking shiny and new no matter the weather!
And don’t worry- when you need professional paint service in NY, Fast Action is here to help!