Whether your company relies on one work truck or a whole fleet, their appearance is a reflection of the business itself. You’ll know if it’s time to find someone who specializes in truck painting in NYC when your truck(s) are sporting old, chipped paint jobs, potential customers are likely to assume that your business is inefficient and unprofessional. Conversely, if your trucks are clean and well-branded, it will make your business look that much more professional and organized.
For something this important, there are a few considerations to factor in when deciding on truck painting in NYC. Read on to find out some of the most important factors to weigh in your decision-making.

5 Things to Consider for Your Truck Painting in NYC
- Cost
As with anything concerning your business, you’ll want to make sure that you are receiving a quality truck paint job for a reasonable price.
A truck paint job can cost you anywhere from $1000-$20,000. Depending how many vehicles your company employs, that number could easily become unmanageable.
Carefully evaluate your budget for a truck painting job in NYC. Also, consider the potential ROI. How valuable will truck painting be to your business?
- Branding
Make sure that your truck paint job is in line with the branding of your company.
Whatever color scheme you choose, you want to make sure it pops and that it matches the overall branding of your business. If the color scheme of your logo, for instance, is blue and yellow, then everything that represents your business and sports that logo should be the same general colors. It wouldn’t make sense to paint your work trucks red in this case because ultimately, you want customers and potential customers to know which trucks belong to your business without even reading the logo.
We see great branding all the time. Think of a beautifully designed website, for example, of a business you admire or even patronize. That website is going to match thematically with the advertising of the business, the logo, the brick and mortar store and, yes, the company vehicles.
Before receiving a truck paint job in NYC, make sure the color scheme branding that you choose is on point.
- Customization
Though certainly not a requirement, a custom paint job can elevate your company’s appeal.
When considering truck painting in NYC, it’s worth asking yourself whether or not a custom paint job is in your budget. A lot of shops offer this feature, and it can be an excellent way to catch the attention of potential customers on the road.
This also goes back to the importance of branding. You want people to know what company those trucks belong to immediately, and a custom paint job can help you achieve that.
- Prioritize your specific set of paint needs.
Think about what worked with your last paint job– and more importantly, what didn’t.
For example, consider this excerpt from an article in Fleet Equipment Mag:
“Paul Catanzarite, manager, commercial OEM and market development, PPG Commercial Coatings, states, ‘It’s important to focus on the fleet’s primary needs and concerns for a paint finish, particularly any shortcomings that may have been experienced with its present system such as corrosion or difficulty matching colors for spot repairs. For example, if color fading of a single-stage topcoat is a major concern, a recommended solution may be adding a clearcoat overlay or moving to a basecoat-clearcoat system. If corrosion has been a problem, it needs to be determined whether the root cause is galvanic, loss of adhesion, wear or chipping.’”
The needs of every business are different, so it’s necessary to identify yours when deciding on the type of paint job your company trucks will require.
- Shop around
Don’t settle on the first shop you find without evaluating all of your options thoroughly.
Given the estimated cost and level of ability that a good truck paint job will require, it’s important to choose the right shop before committing to payment. There is nothing wrong with shopping around a bit before making any final decisions.
However, it’s likely that you will get what you pay for, so don’t automatically go to the shop with the cheapest price. If you are paying a professional to paint the vehicle that will be representing your company out on the road, you want to make sure it gets done right.
In addition to receiving multiple quotes, you also may want to find out the shop’s reputation by reading online reviews. Again, for something this important and potentially expensive, it is okay to be picky.
Of all the things to consider before trucking painting in NYC, the common thread is making sure that the paint job you pay for addresses the particular needs of your business. Evaluate your budget, branding, customization and durability needs before shopping around and making any final decisions.
After all, your truck(s) are out there on the road representing your business, so it is crucial that they are making the right impression and, hopefully, converting more customers than ever before.
If you are looking to partner with a company that specializes in trucking painting in NYC and that knows the significance of quality work with a fast turnaround time, then Fast Action Body Repair is ready to service you.